We cater for orders from only 6 pullets up to 200,000 and beyond, and have the ability to deliver nationwide.
Country Fresh buy day old commercial laying strain hybrid breed chicks and rear them to point of lay, which is approximately 15-17 weeks of age. They are then supplied to customers prior to the birds starting to lay eggs.
Country Fresh have pullets available all year round, however it is best to order well in advance to ensure customer requirements can be met and stock is available.
We rear pullets to meet the highest standards required by our customers and the RSPCA, concern for bird welfare is central to everything we do. We use a combination of company owned and dedicated contract rearers and our farms are equipped with the most modern rearing systems available.
Country Fresh Pullets rear all of their pullets to industry and regulatory standards to maximise egg production and pullet quality and to comply with the necessary rules and regulations appertaining to the egg production industry.
We offer a comprehensive standard vaccination programme and also have the ability to offer producers bespoke vaccination programmes to ensure birds can fulfil their potential.
Our modern dedicated fleet of RSPCA Assured compliant vehicles ensure your birds arrive in good condition. Deliveries are organised around our customers needs to maintain bird welfare.